Friday, February 1, 2008


There is no doubt that if you want to thrive in the future, you will have to be the best at whatever it is that you do, and cars are no execption. If you can afford to buy a new car every 3 years then this blog is not for you, but if you need a car that will last 20-25 or more years then continue to read on. With the cost of oil continually rising and the cost of repairing cars and engines equally high, the need for a reliable 4 cylindar car will be greater in the future, and here is why. I look around and even in the poorest sections of the country i see almost all new cars, 8 years and newer. What happened to the old ones? If you can keep the body and engine in good health, the rest of the car should be easy enough to maintain even if you are not a mechamic. The body is relatively easy to maintain, first don't hit anything and don't let anything hit you. Once you have bent sheetmetal you have weakened it and that area is subject to early decay, secondly if you are in a salty area you must clean the car every so often or that will increase the rate of decay especially the bottom. With these 2 things in mind you should be able to keep the body of the car intact for many years at a low cost. Tomorrow we shall discuss the engine.

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