Sunday, April 13, 2014


Did the usual yearly oil change, and as it happened the every other year oil filter change. No problems but there was a surprize. The oil filter it's self rattled once I removed it, which never happened before. The other more important thing was that the oil pressure at  idle, which had gone up some 15 psi to 20 psi, went back down to 5 psi at idle. Now if we recall the timing of the raising of the idle pressure, it was at the exact same time we had the fuel loop cleared of contaminants and the raising was thought to be the cooling of the oil its self. It wasn't that at all, it was some cheese heads hell bent on trying to ruin a good thing. Now I know cheese heads, and they are not all that bright. Even thought they have have a lot of money and time on their hands, they prefer to create demons in the night for rather strange reasons, which is one reason why we switched to a higher quality brand of car, with security and peace of  mind included. They seemed to know about the oil pressure future problem, but I don't know what they were thinking after attempting that after the gauges were installed, if there was a real 100 psi problem, i would have spotted that, and right away corrected it promptly. Well knuckle heads will be knuckle heads, and this just proves once again, no one can be trusted when it comes to designing and servicing the car.

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